Panera Pink Ribbon Bagels
The Panera Pink Ribbon Bagel shaped in the form of the iconic pink ribbon features cherry chips, dried cherries, cranberries, vanilla, honey, and brown sugar. It’s a yummy bagel made especially for Autumn.
Only available during the month of October. See the list of participating Panera Locations that support the YWBCAF and the Cancer Caring Center.
The generous donations that come from the sale of Pink Ribbon Bagels and the “Round Up” option at the register support private grants for young women with breast cancer and private therapy through the Cancer Bridges in Pittsburgh PA.
- If the order is less than $50 ( consumer order), order online at - or download and use the Panera App.
- If the order is MORE than $50 please, call Panera Catering at: 412-804-8782 or email Kinsey at
Visit any of the 30 locations in Pittsburgh to support the YWBCAF